The role of statistics in quality management in general and Six Sigma in particular has never been so great. Quality control cannot be dissociated from statistics and Six Sigma finds its definition in that science. In June 2005, we decided to create sixsigmafirst.com, a website aimed at contributing to the dissemination of the Six Sigma methodology. The site was primarily focusing on tutorials about Six Sigma. Since statistical analysis is the fulcrum of that methodology, a great deal of the site was slated to enhance the understanding of the science of Statistics. The site has put us in contact with a variety of audiences that range from students who need help with their homework to quality control managers who seek to better understand how to apply some statistics tools to their daily operations. Some of the questions that we receive are theoretical while others are just about how to use some statistics software to conduct an analysis or how to interpret the results of a statistical testing. The many questions that we have been getting have brought about the idea of writing a comprehensive book that covers both statistical theory and helps to better understand how to utilize the most widely used software in statistics. Minitab and Excel are currently the most preponderant software tools
for statistical analysis; they are easy to use and provide reliable results. Excel is very accessible because it is found on almost any Windowsbased operating system and Minitab is widely used in corporations and universities. But we believe that without a thorough understanding of the theory behind the analyses that these tools provide, any interpretation made of results obtained from their use would be misleading. That is why we have elected to not only use hundred of examples in this book, with each example, each study case being analyzed from a theoretical standpoint, using algebraic demonstrations, but we also graphically show step by step how to use Minitab and Excel to come to the same conclusions we obtained from our mathematical reasoning. This comprehensive approach does help better understand how the results are obtained and best of all, it does help make a better interpretation of the results. We hope that this book will be a good tool for a better understanding of statistics theory through the use of Minitab and Excel.
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