samedi 20 mai 2017

Demystifying Six Sigma

Benefits to the Reader
How to establish a Six Sigma culture
A simple and practical continuous improvement
How to manage the change required for Six Sigma
This book is beneficial to all who are interested in improving their performance and the performance of the
enterprise for which they work.
The first section will be most helpful to managers and
leaders—those who must define and create the Six Sigma–
based culture that will nurture a successful Six Sigma program. A Six Sigma culture starts with a clear understanding
of who the customers are and what is required for complete
customer satisfaction. Data systems must be established to
measure and monitor customer satisfaction. Improvement
goals must be set, and programs must be initiated to achieve
the goals. Everyone must know their role in achieving complete customer satisfaction and success for the enterprise.
Key Elements of Six Sigma
Focused on Customer Satisfaction
Reach-Out Goals
Team Based
All Employees Involved
Clear Definition and Understanding of Roles
Personal Growth

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